Prominence II RPG Shut down
Prominence II January 2, 2025
We will be shutting down Prominence II RPG. This server has been a fun experience, but the developers update it much to often for it to be stable with all the features they end up adding. Not enough testing goes into their stable releases and it makes it hard to offer a great stable experience in the end.
Stay tuned for ATM 9 Skyblock up next!
- The Midguard Team
Prominence II [RPG] v3.0.7
Prominence II October 21, 2024
Prominence II RPG: Hasturian Era
3.0.7 - Unholy Death Knights
This update introduces a new class with new weapons, armors and its own skill book; the Unholy Death Knight. Become a plaguebringer, use abilities that bring diseases to your victims and spread them to multiple targets.
This update also introduces two new armor sets for Frost Death Knights, and two more for Unholy Death Knights!
You might be confused about the balance changes, so please check the newest blog post for more information, it's a bit complex.
Important Changes
- Unholy Death Knight: A versatile melee DPS that can grip targets and infect them with diseases.
- New Fate Talent: Decaying Devotion. A Death Knight focused talent that removes elemental powers but increases your Unholy and Blood powers, and grants a passive to increase damage while riding horses.
- Artifacts can now use Spell enchants. Artifacts can now use again the spell enchants, making them way more powerful.
- Balance Changes. General balance changes to try to get all late game builds to deal consistent ~300 DPS
- Resistance Changes. The resistance effect now mitigates 5% of the damage dealt per level.
- Version Checker. The version checker from Prominence I is now on Prominence II, notifying you when you're outdated so you can always have your modpack updated!
Artifact Changes
- Fixed all artifacts (except Thunderwrath) not being able to use Spell enchants such as Spell Infinity or Spell Power.
- Fixed artifact damage increase nodes not working properly on some artifacts.
- Fixed A'zhar damage calculation spiking way too fast than it should.
- Fixed Frostmourne's size in third person, it's now 20% bigger.
- Frostmourne now gives +6 Unholy, Frost and Blood Power instead of +25%, it no longer gives soul power.
- Fyr'alath now gives +4 Fire/Soul instead of +10%
- Supernova now gives +6 Spell Power instead of +5
- A'zhar now gives +7 Spell Power instead of +10%
- Fury of a Thousand Fists now gives +7 Spell Power instead of +10%
Talent Tree Changes
- Added "Decaying Devotion", a fate node for Death Knights. Its passive works on vanilla horses and the Nightmare mythic mount!
- Added new icon background for all fate talents to better differentiate them
- Changed Sin'dorei Heritage to reduce up to -50% armor instead of -80%
Boss Changes
- Mythic bosses now will drop the Void Hourglass at the player that summoned them, instead of above
- When a player dies against a mythic boss, their gravestone will contain the new Void Hourglass
- Gu'mas is now invulnerable in phase change, this is done to prevent permanent stuns.
- Increased base hp of Gu'mas to 1100 from 900
- Reduced slightly the damage dealy by Gu'mas.
Balance Changes
- Increased maximum efficiency of armor from 30% to 40%, and its max limit to 100.
- Netherite Staves now give +6 Spell Power instead of +5
- Max Tier Staves now give +8 Spell Power instead of +6
- Reduced Omni and Ashes maximums heavily
- Magus Armor no longer gives flat spell power, it instead gives +12.5% of all elements as it's a medium defense multielement armor.
- A lot of changes in magic-focused armor sets, please see the blog post linked above for full changes!
- Disabled damage reduction from Silver trim to make Diamond trim useful again
- Disabled Amethyst trim
- Disabled Broken Watch
Quest Changed
- Added tips for melee in the Night Lich quest
- Added tips on how to not get oneshotted in the Gauntlet quest
- Added tips on summoning Magus on its campaign quest
- Removed slumbering lichblade quest and replaced by the two gems
- Plenty of small quest fixes
Other Changes
- Added version checking and in-game changelog display
- Fixed not being able to go back to the anvil tab once you went to the reforging tab.,
- Fixed hourglass spawning too high when killing or dying to a mythic boss. It will now spawn on the player that summoned it / died to it; if the summoner isn't online when the mythic boss dies, it'll spawn on the location of the mythic boss.
- Fixed crash caused by Void Hourglass with too high of a level.
- Fixed stat menu showing unholy icon as passive's icon.
- Fixed Molten Core description saying that it's unlocked at Chapter II instead of Chapter I.
- Fixed feral claws being equippable even if obliterated
- Removed player report button from pause screen while in multiplayer.
- Added Modpack Update Checker
- Added Sodium/Embeddium Dynamic Lights
- Added Toni's Immersive Lanterns
- Added No Report Button
- Added Connectible Chains
- Added Resistance Balancer
- Updated Death Knights, Prominent, Prominent Talents, Create: Copycats+, Tierify, Mandala's GUI, Accessories, Archon, Building Wands, Spellblade, SBProm, Spell Engine, Eldritch End, AAAParticles
SkyMachina ([V2.0.9 - V3.0.3])
SkyMachina September 25, 2024
### Changed
- Updated Mods that Needed Updated
- Fixed some issues with the serverpack (Will attempt to push those each update now btw)
### Changed
- Server Listing Info (This is a hotPatch)
### Changed
- All Mods Updated
- New Dev Branch Internally (Major changes For Yall)
- A bunch of stuff I forgot to type out as I did it...
### Added
- A few Create Addons
- First Person Models
- Some other stuff i cant recall...
### Quest Changes
### MAJOR NOTE!!!!
SkyMachina [V2.0.8]
SkyMachina August 26, 2024
### Changed
- Updated All Mods
### Added
- Custom Textures for RS (Credits will be added to dev of textures.)
### Removed
### Quest Changes
- Fixed a few chapters giving wrong rewards (I forgot how numbers work for a bit there...)
SkyMachina [V2.0.7]
SkyMachina July 31, 2024
## [V2.0.7]
### Changed
- All Create mod recipes should be working now (Report any missing or broken ones).
- Updated Botania recipes.
- Introduced custom Create heat level systems.
- Added some new fluids and items.
- Fixed a StonePlate "Stone Wall" softlock issue.
- Updated mods (FTBQuests being a significant one).
- Updated quests to fix typos and other issues.
### Added
- Integrated [Refined Storage Recreated](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/refined-storage-recreated) texture pack into the modpack.
- Added more KubeJS tools.
- Added RefinedStorage.
- Added IntergratedCrafting (Pending, may remove before launch).
- Added ChatHeads.
- Added NoChatReports.
- Added E4MC (Allows LAN worlds to be public without all the extras of Essentials).
### Removed
- Removed The Inventory Overhaul mod (Broke offhand interactions).
- Removed all recipes for Intergrated Suite (Pending new production lines).
### Quest Changes
- A quest in the kinetic age now requires a saw to be completed.
- Added new content to the kinetic age.
- Fixed missing "OreTags" on some quests.
- Added coin rewards to all existing quests (at the time of writing this line).
All Current Changelogs To Date.
SkyMachina July 19, 2024
## [V2.0.6]
### Changed
- Updated a few mods (Notable AE2, and BotanyPots)
- Values for the Sieve's (Turns out im bad at math, who knew!)
- Fixed an issue with Iron Ingot Depot Recipes duping
- Added Tin, Zinc, Copper to the depot nugget conversion
- Fixed Create Shafts not having a working recipe
- Minor Tweaks to create handcrank recipe
- Minor Fixes to create milling recipes
## Added
- Leaky
- Staaaaaaaaaaaack (Stxck)
- Item Filters (I honestly dont know how I missed this tell now... woops)
- InvTweaks/Sorting
- A Inventory Overhaul mod (In Testing)
## Removed
## [V2.0.5]
### Noteice!!!
This is a LARGE update, Users may want to restart due to the major overhaul of the starting progression
### Added
- Ex Deorum/Hammers
- XyCraft
- TreeBarks
- BiomeBeans (For Biome Modification)
- (On Trial) BOP - for builders mostly
### Changed
- Updated Forge/nearly every mod
- Rollback ProbeJS (Probe 7 not done)
- New Default Starter Island, Less stuff, levers new
- Updated IntegratedDynamics Config to disable Rewards
- added rubber trees to the BotanyPots
- Finally Fixed Freaking Singleplayer Default World Type! (Stupid Forge)!!
### Removed
- SkyResources/Cobblefordays/simplefluid gens (In favor of seives, and custom multiblocks)
- Forced GTCEU Texture Pack - will just be included with other options
## [V2.0.4]
### Added
### Changed
- JukeBox Recipe Tweaked
- Fixes an issue with compressors
- Updates GTCEU Textures
- minor recipe tweaks
- custom items preping for the gregging
### Removed
- Removed A Create Addon due to lack of active support.
## [V2.0.3] - 2024-04-16
### Added
- Some Create Addons
- Builders Wands
- Some missing KubeJS Compacts
- A CC Addon that allows it to act a bit more like OpenComputers
- Custom KubeJS Items Starting to be added
- Kelp to BioMarket
### Changed
- Some Mod updates
- Fixed a typo with Bronze and Brass in recipes
- Updating client quests to match server
- Gregging UnGregged Woods
- Disabled IntegratedDynamics Sqeezers (No Way To Override the recipes)
- Fixed Stray Glass issue
- Removed Hyperbox Recipe Pending Rebuild
### Removed
- EnderIO Chassies pending Rebuild
## [V2.0.2b] - 2024-04-14
### Added
### Changed
### Fixed
- An issue with player hunger/health (Users will need to die...)
Prominence II RPG v2.8.6hf
Prominence II June 14, 2024
Player Animations & Fixes
This small update introduces various crash fixes, along with the replacement of powah's cables for indrev counterparts. Aside from that, new player animations have been added!
Hotfix Changes
- Fix client crash in multiplayer when other players are casting spells
- Replaced Powah's cables with their Industrial Revolution counterparts (With transmission adjustments)
- Adjusted Indrev cables' transmission speeds:
- MK1 128 > 256
- MK2 512 > 1024
- MK4 16384 > 32768
- Slightly reduced powah's transmission levels for some machines
- Heavily simplified kibe banned items for better performance
- Fixed some farmer's delight recipes not working at all
- Fixed server hang caused by AE2
- Fixed server hang caused by Indrev
- Fixed multiple crashes regarding usage of certain cables
- Disabled ender gate's recipe (Use ender cells instead!)
- Disabled recipe for powah cables
- Added Animation Overhaul
- Updated some mods
Prominence II [RPG] v2.8.5
Prominence II May 28, 2024
Stability & Performance
This update introduces performance gains, memory leak fixes, and a few stability-focused changes.
Initially, this was supposed to be released with v2.9's content, but I preferred to instead upload it now so you guys don't have to wait :smile:
- Added new menu with a sneak peek for v2.9 :eyes:
- New Create Update! With new content from addons such as Steam 'n' Rails, and Estrogen
- Heavy optimizations for servers
- Fixed banned items still being craftable
- Fixed many issues from the Zenith mod, including but not limited to Tomes of Scrapping deleting items
- Fixed many (and hopefully the last) memory leaks
- Greatly reduced tick lag from item entities
- Reduced the modpack's base size by 100MB
Talent Tree Changes
- Reduced Healing & Self healing from 15% to 2% per node
- Added Farmer's Delight [Fabric]
- Added Create Fabric
- Added EpheroLib
- Removed [Deprecated] Farmer's Delight [Fabric] (Replaced)
- Removed Create Slice and Dice (Issues)
- Removed Prominent Create (Replaced)
- Removed Blahaj ( :broken_heart: and alternative will be added soon )
- Removed Better Smithing Table (Confused players a lot)
- Removed Audio Extension for FancyMenu v2
- Updating multiple mods
Waystone is Free !
Prominence II May 27, 2024
Waystone is Free !
Waystone are now free to use !
HotFix - 20/05/2024 - RTP ISSUES
Prominence II May 20, 2024
RTP Command have been fixed , after been broken by the update !
Prominence II May 19, 2024
Prominence II [RPG] v2.8.4
A Cozy Update
This small update introduces various crash fixes, new furtniture and a small new client-side addition: Health bars! Which were added mostly for Prominence Hard Mode.
- The Modpack version is now displayed in the Main Menu
- Healthbars! Added initially for Prominence Hardmode, now enabled globally!
- Fixed crash with blocks from Bewitchment
- Fixed crash with void lilies from BOMD
- Fixed crash from Mine Cells
- Fixed loot generation issues from Lootr
- Added Handcrafted
- Added YDM's MobHealthBar
- Removed Basket (Modrinth Only)
- Updated some mods
Update of the server for better performence
Prominence II April 4, 2024
We have add some mode to have a better manage of the entity on the server this will result on better performance specialy when numbers of players are connected
Prominence II March 25, 2024
Prominence II
Initial release of the server